Agoraphobia is excessive fear of a place or situation where a solution is difficult to reach or help is hard to come by. If you are in such a situation, sufferers of this condition can experience panic attacks. Generally attacks young people and young adults, especially women. Agoraphobia is often considered a fear of open space. Though not always the case. Agoraphobia causes a person to avoid certain places or conditions because they feel ashamed, panicked, helpless, trapped and find it difficult to get help. Symptoms that arise Until now the cause of agoraphobia is still not known with certainty. It is possible that this is genetic, and is more likely to be experienced by someone with a family member who has a history of panic attacks. Although rare, agoraphobia can occur in people who have no history of panic attacks. Symptoms of agoraphobia are divided into three, namely physical, behavioral, and cognitive symptoms. Physical symptoms of agoraphobia are characterized by cond...