Agoraphobia is excessive fear of a place or situation where a solution is difficult to reach or help is hard to come by. If you are in such a situation, sufferers of this condition can experience panic attacks. Generally attacks young people and young adults, especially women.
Agoraphobia is often considered a fear of open space. Though not always the case. Agoraphobia causes a person to avoid certain places or conditions because they feel ashamed, panicked, helpless, trapped and find it difficult to get help.
Symptoms that arise
Until now the cause of agoraphobia is still not known with certainty. It is possible that this is genetic, and is more likely to be experienced by someone with a family member who has a history of panic attacks. Although rare, agoraphobia can occur in people who have no history of panic attacks. Symptoms of agoraphobia are divided into three, namely physical, behavioral, and cognitive symptoms. Physical symptoms of agoraphobia are characterized by conditions in the form of:- Trembling body, shaken and sweating
- Heart palpitations and beating fast
- Difficulty breathing
- Chest pain
- The body feels cold or hot
- Nausea or diarrhea
- Dizzy to feel almost fainted
- Trouble swallowing
- Ears ringing
- Feelings of fear of death.
- Fear of being seen by others, feeling foolish, and embarrassed in front of people.
- Not able to escape from a situation or place when experiencing panic attacks.
- Loss of sanity and clear mindset when interacting with others.
- Fear of loss of life, such as excessive worry that you will not be able to breathe or your heart will suddenly stop beating.
How to Overcome Agoraphobia
Giving drugs and psychotherapy is a step in handling agoraphobia. Generally doctors provide antidepressant drugs or drugs to overcome anxiety. Antidepressant drugs given by doctors for this condition usually contain the hormone serotonin to stimulate feelings of happiness and positive mood. Among others, antidepressant drugs such as sertraline and fluoxetine. The drugs to overcome anxiety disorders such as benzodiazepines are tranquilizers that are used only temporarily to relieve symptoms. Consumption of both types of these drugs can cause side effects, in the form of uncomfortable physical sensations or even other symptoms of panic attacks. So make sure you only consume this if given a recommendation by a doctor, and do not hesitate to consult with your doctor immediately if you experience it after taking the drug. Another treatment is psychotherapy by a psychiatrist in an effort to help recovery in the mental condition of sufferers of agoraphobia. Psychotherapy aims to master the basic abilities to cope with anxiety symptoms. One of the therapies carried out is cognitive behavioral therapy that is able to teach sufferers of agoraphobia about thinking patterns and understanding situations that can trigger anxiety and panic, so as to be alert and avoid it, or reduce complaints that arise. Cognitive behavioral therapy requires about 10-20 sessions. Some of the things you will learn from cognitive therapy to help overcome agoraphobia are:- Mastering stress management and relaxation techniques.
- Imagine the causes of anxiety from the mild to the most frightening. This technique is called systemic desensitization and exposure therapy.
- Understanding and controlling stress disorders and stressful events.
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